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What is


A Botox injection is a non-surgical, medical procedure that reduces the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles. Botox is injected into various areas of skin on the face.
Botox is an artificial substance. It is a brand name for a laboratory-produced chemical called botulinum toxin. It relaxes and ‘freezes’ facial and other muscles.

Traditionally, Botox has been used to treat people with eye and facial spasms. it is also used to treat people with excessive perspiration. There is evidence that it also helps in the treatment of headaches and migraine.

Unlike collagen, Botox is not used to enhance lips or cheeks. It is used to get rid of lines and wrinkles. Like collagen, its effects are long-lasting. The effects of collagen are immediate. With this treatment , however, although you may be able to see some results straightaway, the effects usually take a week or so to develop fully.

What is Botox good for?

Botox works in two ways.
Firstly, it irons out existing lines and wrinkles around your eyes, mouth, nose and forehead.
Secondly, it works on the muscles in your face, putting them to sleep. This process usually takes place about a week or so after it has been injected. After it takes effect, you are not able to frown, or “crease up” when you laugh. This prevents further lines from forming by paralyzing your facial muscles.


You may have some spots of redness where the needle has been inserted; you may even have some slight bruising after the procedure. As mentioned, immediately after having a filler injection, your skin may feel a bit tender and a bit strange. However, this will wear off within a few days.
Occasionally, people have a mild allergic reaction to the treatment afterwards: itching, puffiness or slightly bumpy skin. People who are prone to cold sores may get one afterwards. A very few people experience red lumps under the skin a few months later.


The Incredible Benefits of Botox Injections

As this list shows, the benefits of Botox are as far-reaching as they are impressive.

Some will dismiss the treatment as nothing more than a cosmetic procedure. But it’s clear that its discovery has offered new hope for countless numbers of people suffering from a range of painful and uncomfortable conditions. Contact Royal Med Spa Today to book your next treatment. 


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